
Elevate Your Self-Discovery, Empower Your Growth

Embark on a transformative journey of introspection, exploration, and personal evolution. Self-discovery is a continuous process of uncovering our true essence, values, passions, and purpose, allowing us to gain deeper insights into ourselves and the world around us.
Self-Coaching Certification
Community-based learning experiences
Self-paced and fully remote course progression 
This course contains MVP's 

Self-Coaching Certification

The Self-Coaching course covers the following topics:

Philosophy & Foundations

  • Coaching Overview
  • Cultivating a Felt Sense of Being
  • Identifying Your Desires
  • The Tenets of Mindfulness
  • Applying Mindfulness to Upset


  • Resourcing Yourself
  • Setting Personal Goals
  • Energetic Blockages
  • Compassionate Self-Forgiveness
  • Relationships

Working with Clients

  • Empowering through Coaching
  • Booking One-on-Ones
  • Reframing
  • Self-Reflection
  • Creating a Vision Board
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Authentic instruction from experienced teachers and Yoga Therapist.


Providing students with the most accessible training options and support.

Engaging classes

Heartfelt content designed to enrich the teacher's life as well as the lives of their students.
Guaranteed Security using one of the most advanced encrypted systems on the market.
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